CareCredit, from Synchrony, is one of the largest and most popular health, wellness, and beauty credit cards in the nation, serving millions of families each year. CareCredit is a financial option designed to help people get the care they want and need for themselves and their families without having to delay treatment or appointments. CareCredit is a credit card that allows for monthly payments and can be used for your health, wellness, and beauty needs. CareCredit is accepted by over 200,000 providers nationwide for Cosmetic and Dermatology Procedures, LASIK and Vision Care, Dentistry, Veterinary, Hearing Care and other specialties, as well as some select retail locations.
CareCredit offers our patients NO INTEREST if Paid in Full Within 6 or 12 months financing options
(sometimes called Deferred Interest), which let you pay for purchases of $200 or more with minimum monthly payments made throughout the duration of your promotional period. Interest still accrues during the promotional period but will not be charged if you pay your balance in full by the end of the promotional period.